Traveler Spotlight


Occupation: Customer Service Representative

How do you usually get to work? 

Carpool! Our house is a 1 car household to save on costs and gas emissions.

Why did you decide to commute this way? 

I decided to commute this way for less wear and tear on our car, no parking expense, and we are a one car household.

How long have you been using this commute option? 

4 years

How far is your commute? How long does it take you each way?

10-15 Miles. Each way around 7 miles

What is your favorite thing about your commute? 

Being able to help cut down on traffic and spend time with my partner.

What is a challenge of your commute? How have you overcome that challenge?

Having to leave earlier for work for my partner’s schedule.

Tell us a favorite or interesting commute story.

I didn’t know this existed until a few months of working until a coworker told me! Not really an interesting story but happy this program is here.

How does your commute help you save time and/or money?

We do not have a 2nd car, so those costs associated do not exist for us. We wanted to avoid a 2nd car payment, and my partner is considered hybrid so it’s not necessary for us right now.

How does your employer help accommodate your commute option?

Reminders are sent out to put in the logs, and that this program exist in the [City of Vancouver] City Currents.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to use a climate-friendly commute option?

There are so many options! If I could, I’d ride my bike, but I live a bit too far for that. Public transit is a great alternative and carpooling with coworkers who live near you. It doesn’t hurt to ask, save on gas and emissions. Many employees start work at the same time, and I’ve been fortunate to carpool with them a few times when my car was in the shop.