Traveler Spotlight


Occupation: Dispatcher for Columbia Area Transit

Person standing on bus next to bus driver

How do you usually get to work? 

I usually commute to work by using bus transportation. I chose this option because it saves the air and gas. Because gas prices are going so high now days, it is most convenient for my schedule.

Why did you decide to commute this way? 

I decided to commute this way for less wear and tear on our car, no parking expense, and we are a one car household.

How long have you been using this commute option? 

Since August 2022.

How far is your commute? How long does it take you each way?

One way I commute for 40 minutes.

What is your favorite thing about your commute? 

Meeting new people and not having to drive. Plus, I enjoy the views!

What is a challenge of your commute? How have you overcome that challenge?

The only challenge is making sure I know the hours for the bus, and that the bus shows up.

Tell us a favorite or interesting commute story.

The first time I met my driver I learned he was a retired police office. He tells funny stories, and he plays great tunes!

How does your commute help you save time and/or money?

It helps my family save on gas, we own a truck, and it is expensive.

How does your employer help accommodate your commute option?

We get a GorgePass for free and if I am late taking the bus that is OK because I am taking transit.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to use a climate-friendly commute option?

Absolutely! My advice would be to start by exploring different options like biking, carpooling or using public transportation. Biking is great for both the environment and your health. Carpooling can be a fun way to share your commute and reduce emissions.