Traveler Spotlight

Jessica, Angela & Sarah

Occupation: Senior Permit Specialists

Three women smiling taking a photo in a car driving to work together

How do you usually get to work? Why did you decide to commute this way?

Jessica: I usually drive to work so carpooling was the best option for me.

Angela: I typically ride my bike, or walk to work, but most recently I have joined a 3 women group of carpoolers which help cut down on monthly parking costs and help share the load of our daily trips.

Sarah: I drive to work, and our parking lot was sold to a developer so it will be going away. And the fee has went up over time.

How long have you been using this commute option?

Jessica: I have been doing this since beginning of summer I believe.

Angela: Biking and walking over 3 years. Carpooling is new and we are still working on our 1st month together.

Sarah: The beginning of summer 2024.

How far is your commute? How long does it take you each way?

Jessica: My commute is about 20 miles and can take me between 20-30 minutes to get to work, depending on traffic.

Angela: Less than 5 miles and every day is different depending on where we meet up to start our pool.

Sarah: I’m around 25 miles one way from work. It takes me 25-35 minutes depending of traffic.

What is your favorite thing about your commute? 

Jessica: The extra time chatting and hanging out with my coworkers/carpool buddies who are also friends 😊

Angela: We are a fun bunch and like to laugh and share stories which always makes the commute so much more enjoyable! I would even go to say acts as therapy after a long hard day at work.

Sarah: Hanging out with my carpool coworkers.

What is a challenge of your commute? How have you overcome that challenge?

Jessica: A challenge of the commute was finding where my coworkers and I could meet to carpool. We have a few different locations that we meet depending on who is driving that day that is accommodating for all of us.

Angela: Our challenge is most programs are set up for 2 ppl to share, so being in a 3 person carpool is already presenting issues of parking or sharing costs. I made up a calendar that I shared and broke down dates and when we can all carpool together, in October we will each pay for 3 times in our current parking area. Issue that parking area will be going away so I’m currently in search of a new parking lot or area that will be flexible with 3 people.

Sarah: The challenge is finding time that we can all meet to carpool since we have different start times. Also finding a place to park.

Tell us a favorite or interesting commute story.

Jessica: [Angela tells a good one!]

Angela: (I love a good story!) I recall my first commute quite vividly. I was residing at 3200 G Street, merely a two-mile stroll from work, but it felt like an expedition to the North Pole. Filled with enthusiasm and armed with my lunch bag, I embarked on this epic journey down Main Street, my footsteps a bold proclamation of my commitment to green living.

Now, imagine this: the sidewalk littered with overturned garbage cans, creating what I could only describe as my personal obstacle course. As I dodged the occasional splash of something questionable, I realized I’d wandered into an urban jungle of sorts, complete with storefront doorways doubling as makeshift motels for the symbols of our city’s hospitality. If sidewalk hurdles weren’t enough, the darkness of winter surrounded me, setting the perfect stage for a suspense thriller.

After expertly maneuvering past these trials and tribulations and an ambiguous mystery that may or may not have been a puddle of yesterday’s lunch, I succumbed to a rather theatrical decision: a late-night shopping spree for mace is in order. Ah yes, a splash of personal protection – the perfect accessory for the modern-day walker!

Yet, in this tale of courage, I decreed, “Fear shall not get the better of me! This walk is my path to better health, a cleaner planet, and killer calves!” With those fateful words, I set my resolve. After all, Spice Girls had their girl power; I had my inner ambition. If Rocky could jog up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, surely I could conquer Main Street!

And so, I carried on, braving the wilderness of city streets armed with only a determination to thrive and running shoes. Never did I falter, and now, years later, I proudly remain one with my alternative commuting lifestyle.

Sarah: [Angela love’s a good story!]

How does your commute help you save time and/or money?

Jessica: It helps me save money on parking since my coworkers and I all share who pays each time we carpool.

Angela: Time is questionable, but commuting does help the pocketbook! If I didn’t commute I would most likely park 1 time per week and now I’m scheduled only to pay for parking 3 times in October, saving me a minimum of $18/mo.

Sarah: We rotate the parking fee of $9.00 between 3 people each month so I pay less money for parking then I would if I parked each time I worked in the office.

How does your employer help accommodate your commute option?

Jessica: Helping my coworkers and I go to the same work schedule so we can commute/carpool together easier.

Angela: COV provides a Commute Trip Reduction Program which incentivizes us to use alternate forms of transportation and helps offset my parking fees when I need to pay them.

Sarah: Being understanding and flexible with our group of 3 and sometimes 4 people.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to use a climate-friendly commute option?

Jessica: Try and be patient and communicate with coworkers and supervisors on what you need to try and commute via climate-friendly.

Angela: Talk about it with your friends, or colleges at work most likely someone will want the same thing and maybe you will find a carpool buddy out of talking and sharing your desires. Schedule an appointment with Olivia Kahn our inhouse Travel Options Coordinator who can help!

Sarah: Plan ahead and communicate with your co-works to workout the best arrangement for everyone.