Traveler Spotlight


Occupation: Civil Engineer/Surface Water Management

Man standing with his bicycle wearing sunglasses and an orange shirt.

How do you usually get to work? 

Bike combined with bus currently.

Why did you decide to commute this way? 

I was only commuting by bike in the past.

How long have you been using this commute option? 

Almost 25 years with the City of Vancouver.

How far is your commute? How long does it take you each way?

13 miles one way. About an hour and 15 minutes by bike, and an hour for bike and bus.

What is your favorite thing about your commute? 

I like getting exercise while I commute.

What is a challenge of your commute? How have you overcome that challenge?

I was unable to ride anymore due to an injury to my right leg so I designed a fix so I could ride with just my left leg.

Tell us a favorite or interesting commute story.

Riding across the I-5 bridge isn’t very enjoyable most of the time but sunrises during certain times of the year are amazing over the Columbia River. On a bike I can stop midspan and just enjoy.

How does your commute help you save time and/or money?

I don’t have to fill my gas tank very often so I’m saving there. We currently get a $5 a day for commuting by bike or bus.

How does your employer help accommodate your commute option?

The City is great for accommodating my commute. We have a place to store bikes inside the building and showers. I also get a bus pass which helps break up the commute.

Do you have any advice for someone looking to use a climate-friendly commute option?

My commute is long so combining bike with public transportation helps. I would also start out in the summer months when the weather is nicer before committing to winter months.